Did you know August is #NationalBlackBusinessMonth? This month long celebration was created by John William Templeton and Frederick E. Jordan Sr. in 2004 to drive the policy affecting millions of Black-Owned businesses. With diversity at the core of my brand, I thought of different ways to promote and celebrate #BlackBusinessMonth but I wasn’t quite sure how to relate it back to travel. I’ll be honest, I did a lot of brainstorming. At the end of the day, I knew it was important to highlight Black travel content creators and bloggers — a largely unrepresented group in the travel community. So instead of hearing from me on how to support Black-Owned businesses and creators, I reached out to some of my favorite bloggers and asked them a few questions — including how you and I can support Black-Owned businesses today, tomorrow and always.

Who is Lucas World Travel?
We are travel addicts who quit our jobs and sold our house, our cars, and all our belongings to travel the world. We planned to country hop for two years, but the pandemic left us stranded in Thailand.
Why a Passion for Travel?
We love to travel because we love to learn and to try new things. As we experience each new country, it changes our view of the world. We become more aware of ourselves and of the intricacies of other cultures. We find it addicting to finally gain understanding of concepts that we only had a vague notion of from history class.

What Black-Owned businesses do you recommend to everyone?
We always love to support our friend’s local businesses. For carpet cleaning, we always use and recommend Top Value Steam Cleaning in Nashville because our friend Tony always does an amazing job at a great price.
We also love to salsa dance so we recommend everyone try both Nicole la Bailarina and Salsa Soul Nashville for salsa lessons for salsa dance parties.
For food, we like to support Slim and Husky’s Pizza. They have great artisan pizza’s and have locations in 3 different states now. I’m very impressed by what they’ve accomplished.
Also Prince’s Hot Chicken, Nashville is known for hot chicken, and there are so many franchises who are trying to take over the idea, but Prince’s was the original. If you want to try the original, you should definitely try Prince’s.
How can anyone support Black-Owned businesses not just this month but ongoing?
I think supporting Black businesses is just supporting small businesses. Just pay attention to the smaller boutiques and ask your friends for recommendations. It becomes an adventure because you get to explore services and foods that you have never tried before.
There’s also websites like www.supportblackowned.com that can help find some Black-Owned businesses as well.
Aren’t they just amazing and inspirational? You can connect with Lucas World Travel on social media, on YouTube for their travel vlogs and on their website to subscribe to their great content. Check out the links below!
Intagram: @lucasworldtravel
Facebook: Lucas World Travel
Twitter: @lucastravelvlog
Youtube: Lucas World Travel
Website: www.lucasworldtravel.com

Who is The Nitty Gritty Travel OT?
My name is Lenore and I’m a Travel Occupational Therapist. I’m from Queens, NY, I love to travel, I’m introverted, and a foodie.
Why a Passion for Travel?
I began traveling at a very young age and learned the importance of embracing different cultures from my parents. They instilled my passion for travel, and I’ve been on the go ever since.

What Black-Owned businesses do you recommend to everyone?
The Black-Owned businesses I recommend are: Queens Bully, The Door, Sassy’s Vegeterian Soul Food, The Honey Pot, Miss Jessie’s, Crayon Case, Negril, and Seasoned Vegan. There’s so many more though!
How can anyone support Black-Owned businesses not just this month but ongoing?
Anyone can support Black-Owned businesses by patronizing Black restaurants, purchasing Black products, donating to Black charities, and promoting Black businesses utilizing their platform (i.e.; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.)
If you want to connect with Lenore and follow her adventures around the world, all you have to do is connect with her on her social pages below! Don’t forget to subscribe to her newsletter for great travel tips and recommendations.
Instagram: @thenittygrittytravelot
Facebook: The Nitty Gritty Travel OT
Twitter: @Nitty_OT
Pinterest: The Nitty Gritty Travel OT
Blog: www.thenittygrittytravelot.com
Email: lenore@thenittygrittytravelot.com

Who is Bravel (Buddy Travel)?
My name is Chris, I’m 32 and I was born in California. I work with autistic kids, film production and real estate. I enjoy traveling, seafood, working out and relaxing with friends.
Why a Passion for Travel?
My passion for travel started when I was young. Both my parents were in the Army so we moved a lot. My fire lit when we moved to Japan and lived there for 3 years. Going to elementary school there I was exposed to a lot. No, I don’t know Japanese just a few phrases lol. After being immersed in the culture I wanted more, so it began.

What Black owned businesses do you recommend to everyone?
The Black-Owned business I recommend to everyone is any and all. Like any business, do your due diligence, but Black business owners work just as hard as anyone. So any business you do business on a regular, look if there’s a Black alternative.
How can anyone support Black-Owned businesses not just this month but ongoing?
Very easy to support Black businesses. But let’s remember Black business owners aren’t looking for charity support or handouts. All we want is equal and fair opportunities that other business owners are granted. You can go online and find Black businesses to support. Also you can network with them, connect them to other businesses and customers. Most important, continued support. Don’t just support because it is what’s trendy right now. Make it a value to your life like any other business you support.
You can connect with Chris as he takes on the world visiting some of the most beautiful places while also learning about each destination. You can find him on Instagram at @buddytravel and on his personal Instagram page too @chillproduce He’ll be launching his own travel blog and website soon, so stay tuned!

Who is TravelEatSlay?
Through my personal travels I was inspired to provide a souvenir or memento that people can take along their travels. Three words that evoke feelings of power, independence and a really good time TravelEatSlay is more than just an apparel brand, it is a movement, a community created to bring together like mind people through mutual interests of travel, food and fashion. It is relatable.
Why a Passion for Travel?
When I was younger I entertained the notion of being an air hostess, the idea of being in a different country each day and getting paid was a win win situation. However with a fear of heights that dream slowly faded but was later reignited in my adulthood working for an international events company. Travelling every other month to luxurious destinations this saw the birth of my brand.

What Black-Owned businesses do you recommend to everyone?
How can anyone support Black-Owned businesses not just this month but ongoing?
It starts with understanding that recognition for Black businesses is an ongoing thing. Mainstream spaces/platforms need to create a seat at the table for Black businesses in all industries.
You can continue to support Black businesses by sharing their social media pages within your circle, word of mouth is a powerful tool for small businesses and a sheer mention/recommendation can result in sales or more brand recognition.
Where possible you can collaborate to maximize viewers/reach.
You heard her, supporting Black businesses starts with sharing great pages and brands like TravelEatSlay. You can start supporting Black businesses, content creators and travel influencers now (like really now) by connecting with TravelEastSlay below.
Instagram: @traveleatslay
Facebook: TravelEatSlay
Twitter: @TravelEatSlay
Website: www.traveleatslay.com
Email: Info@traveleatslay.com

Who is The Black Princess Diaries?
My name is Deandra, I’m 25 years old and I’m a lifestyle blogger and podcaster. I have a bachelors degree in psychology, but I learned a lot later when I was in college that it wasn’t the direction I wanted to go. My goal now is to build my own business, brand, and empire, and I think that I’m on a pretty decent start. Some random fun facts about me are: I love puppies, rose gold and marble is my aesthetic, and I’m currently trying to teach myself sign language.

What Black-Owned businesses do you recommend to everyone?
There are so many, but I’ll narrow it down to businesses whose products I’ve personally tried and also really want to try.
Makeup and skincare: Juvia’s Place, Black Girl Sunscreen, The Crayon Case and Fenty Beauty.
Hair: Joys Hair
Stationary: Paperclipgoodies
Clothing and décor: Girl and Goals and My Pride Apparel
These don’t even scratch the surface, but here’s my itinerary that is filled with some Black businesses, creators, services, and more!
How can anyone support Black-Owned businesses not just this month but ongoing?
Simple. Follow the two S’s: Shop and share. Continue to shop and try out products from Black-Owned businesses. There are so many Black businesses out there that have just as good if not even better quality than other companies. You just have to search. Also, share their business. If you see someone promoting their business, but it may not be a service or product you need or you just can’t afford to purchase, then sharing their post is just as helpful. If you like a product, give it a shout out. Sharing helps so much because other people see that and it could bring in potential customers.
Isn’t she lovely? Please be sure to follow her on all social media by clicking the links below.
Instagram: @theblackprincessdiaries
Facebook: The Black Princess Diaries
Twitter: @_BPDiaries
Pinterest: The Black Princess Diaries
Websites: www.theblackprincessdiaries.com
Email: contact@theblackprincessdiaries.com

Who is Alieshias Adventures?
Alieshias Adventures is about creating the life you want. I am a millenial content creator that talks about adulting and traveling. I am 25 years old and I love traveling and talking about life as a millenial.
Why a Passion for Travel?
I have been traveling ever since I was born and it’s just a part of me. I love to meet people and see the world.

What Black-Owned businesses do you recommend to everyone?
I think it depends but whenever you’re traveling, I recommend you try a Black-Owned restaurant. If you want to learn about some more Black businesses or events, make sure to download an app called The Boss Experience.
How can anyone support Black-Owned businesses not just this month but ongoing?
Patronizing them, sharing services and products on social media.
You can follow Alieshias Adventure’s as she adults and explores a new city, Atlanta. Check out the links below to stay connected with her and her many adventures through life.
Instagram: @alieshiasadventures
Twitter: @aatravelblogger
YouTube: Alieshias Adventures
Websites: www.alieshiasadventures.com
What’s your biggest takeaway? For me, it’s that supporting Black-Owned businesses is as equally important as having Black representation in board rooms. You know, how all these big brands are saying “Black Lives Matter” but their executive teams don’t represent diversity. Secondly, we need to support Black content creators and bloggers. Lastly, supporting #BlackBusinessMonth isn’t just a one-month thing and supporting Black Lives Matter shouldn’t be a ‘trendy’ thing like Chris mentioned. Comment below any Black-Owned businesses you recommend.